Mrs. Irene Portsmouth

Information Specialist
Phone: (780) 494-3510
I was born in Fairview Hospital many long years ago. I have lived in many districts in this area--Eureka River, Royce, Hines Creek, and Montagneuse Valley. I attended school in all of them but graduated from Ponoka High School. I have known my husband, Dale, all my life but met him in downtown Red Deer one day...and the rest is history. We have lived in Blackfalds, Red Deer, Fairview, Ponoka and Hines Creek. We have just celebrated 60 wonderful years of marriage. We have 3 grown children, 7 Wonders of the World (our grandchildren), and are expecting our first great grandson in December. I started working at the school 46 years ago as a teacher-aide but was also the secretary and librarian at different times in the elementary school named after one of my teachers---Grace Shepherd. I love working with all children but elementary kids are the ones who boost my ego as "everything" you do is WONDERFUL! It is great now that we are K-12 as I get to watch them all grow up and change. I will always be thrilled when someone who has attended school here (lately or long ago),meets me shopping and says "Hello, Mrs. Portsmouth". I love it!!!!The best thing about this school is that we are family and we care about each other (students and staff).I am always so proud to tell people I work at Hines Creek Composite.